Yoali Delgado
Biomagnetism & Massage
Biotech Engineer (2011)
Masters in Nuclear Science (2013)
University Professor of Biophysics (2013)
Therapist in Par Biomagnetism (2015)
Teacher of Biomagnetism (2018)
Creator of Alpha Magnetic Therapy
Teacher of Medicinal Plants (2019)
Creator of Natural Medicine TYET (2020)
Creator of Massage Therapy “Beautiful Torture” (2020)

Biomagnetic Therapy
The therapy is based on harmonising 3 different levels of our being.
Using a pendulum to scan and detect diseases, trapped emotions and much more.
First the Biological – Physical.
Each organ and structural part of the body is scanned (heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, glands, bones, nervous system, hormones, genetic diseases etc.), to detect any anomaly. The magnets are then placed on the corresponding parts of the body.
Magnets have the power to balance the pH of the body.
Our bodies, being the most part water, have a neutral pH. However, with our lifestyles, how we eat, what we think and where we live; create alkalinity and acidity in the body. Which unbalances the body.
If our bodies are alkaline, we become an optimal environment for bacteria and parasites.
If our bodies are acid, we attract viruses and fungi.
In this phase, Biomagnetism allows us to neutralise the pH of our bodies, to stop being an optimal environment for bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi. Giving space for our immune systems to restore our organism.
Second, the Emotional part.
We are aware that each emotion resides in a specific organ. And also that every illness and physical expression of discomfort has rooted in it one or more emotions.
So, in this part of the therapy, emotions are detected and balanced, to be able to eliminate them consciously. Working on the origin of the emotion and its various blockages and traumas.
Third – the higher bodies; Auras, Chakras and Chromosomes.
In this section, the first 9 Chakras, the first 7 Auras and the 23 Chromosomes are detected and balanced. We look to detect blockages, lack of harmony and connexion to the earthly world. Harmonising our roots, sexuality, dreams, feelings, expressions, visions and connexion to other planes.
Through my experience I have also added other tools to my therapy which complement the biomagnetism. Such as the use of the pendulum, healing stones, medicinal plants and traditional medicine from Xixime, Zapotec, Aztec, Egyptian, Korean and Peruvian. Including frequencies, songs and ‘limpias’ (energy cleanses).

Examples of what Biomagnetism can treat:
Emotional issues
Uterine fibroids
High blood pressure
Genetic and degenerative ailments.
Massage – The Beautiful Torture
It has the name massage, to have a name, however, it is a therapy of body manipulation. Working through the bodies pains, I discover the existence of blockages, whether they be physical, emotional or energetic, to find a release.
The therapy brings you to connect with various parts of your body in which you did not know that there was pain or blockage.
Each movement of my hands I begin to adjust bone by bone, joint by joint, ligament by ligament, bringing each structure to a more correct position. Moving the ‘knots of tension’ that are throughout the body, to a place where the body can eliminate them.
This therapy is a mix of many different healing techniques from different Mexican Traditions, Xiximes, Zapotec and Maya, to Incan Massage, Korean Su Jok and Egyptian Reiki. Plus, more than 10 techniques from different communities around the world. Bringing in the awareness of the meridians and chakras.